About Us
Clear Lake Education Center connects people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to the natural world. We do this through engaging and dynamic educational and recreational opportunities utilizing community partnerships and passionate facilitators.
Sharing our passion for the outdoors feeds our souls, and we hope it brings yours to life!

Most of the structures at Clear Lake Education Center were built by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the 1930's. Our lodge, dining hall, and cabins have all been maintained to reflect original and historic construction but updated to include modern amenities. The camp was originally dedicated for recreation, but has seen many different uses in the intervening years.

Through the 1970's Clear Lake's facilities were used to host Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) crews as both a home base and a work site. The YCC was first established in the late 1960's and was based off of the CCC model that combined public service with individual, gainful employment. YCC crews often took part in projects similar to those of the CCC; conservation and public land maintenance were major focuses.
In the 1960's one of Clear Lake's major functions was as a retreat for Escanaba Public High School's marching band. Music students practiced in the very same amphitheater that we use today for classes and campfires. The main dock at Clear Lake was built during this period as well.

Since the late 1990's, Clear Lake Education Center has primarily served as a center for outdoor science education. In the spring and fall seasons, scheduled residential school groups visit for one to three days and participate in our STEM-based classes, high ropes challenge course, and various recreational activities. During the summer, we host private rental groups at the camp; winter months are dedicated to travel programs and new program development.
Shifting from the conservation corps theme, Clear Lake Education Center's grounds and facilities were primarily used in the 1990's as a computer science camp. Though students likely still spent some time outdoors, the facilities had computer stations and networks in place to encourage learning in this "new" field.